Day in the life of…pt.2

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So here’s another installment of the obscure life I live. I’m sorry if it offends you.

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ZZ top inspired van, right around the corner from my work!
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Badass van! for picking up cougars in.

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If you see this poking up in front of you, it’s a good omen. Blessed are the westfalias.

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Phil needed some parts of the sacrificial hardtop. All yee who buzz and fly in his path shall parish in flames.

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Random Snap, I really enjoy my job at times. 🙂

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Junkyard guys rock in style. Everyone knows they get pick of the litter.

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Example B. of the above statement. Gangsters run two different tire sizes, gangsters do, that’s who.

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Hunting at the junkyard is fun. This Celica GTS (half-trac conversion) had a bunch of awesome stuff on it, such as the 3SFTE? or is it a G head? can’t tell, and…

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All trac hood, (the vents were there when I got to the yard, someone scooped them when I was walking around! Blarghk! and…

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JDM clear corner lights! Why wouldn’t you take this stuff off before scrapping the car?!?!?!

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This picture is for Tim and his AW11 customer. Perfectly good redtop 4age from an ae92 GT-S

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The rear axle design on this AWD Caravan (nice factory lip!!!) is strange. It’s a solid beam FWD style axle, but it has a differential bolted to the frame with half shafts running to the axle…..wat.

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Ugh I want one of these bumpers for my project, or a tacoma bumper, but they wanted tooo much for it. Anyone got one? contact me!

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lol APC…..

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WHY WOULD YOU SCRAP THIS?w?!??!@1?@123123DSAADS Look close at the picture, very rare car.

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Such nice shape!!!

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Again, Why scrap this!?!?!??!?!?!

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To end the post, a shot of a car that didn’t get scrapped! 😀

4 thoughts on “Day in the life of…pt.2

  1. My neighbour has a Ford truck just like that one, and I just recently sold my ’78 😦

    S12 is worth it though

  2. The ford only looked like it was bow-ing a little bit to be honest!

    I thought the Black van was from the JPN trip, and my Cressy rides just like Example B!

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